CRank: 5Score: 24690

They might as well cancel this game. With Dante's crappy design choice and now with the Unreal Engine 3 being used, i expect epic disappointment to come. Unless if they dabble in the dark arts and actually pull off a DMC game with 60FPS using Unreal Engine 3. This is like the Bayonetta debacle all over.

Capcom is stupid. Why couldn't they let them use MT Framework. They really want to kill the DMC franchise, including its reputation. I freakin hate bad framerate.

5016d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Castlevania Lords of Shadow had the best trailer. DmC's trailer was so vague and mysterious that it was barely a trailer at all going at around 2 minutes. It was more a teaser.

Though the DmC debut is more like a WTF shocker then cool story.

5025d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

4, 5 and 6 will never happen so let me put you out of your misery there.

Kamiya has no interest in DMC anymore since they pretty much raped what he created and Capcom created this monstrosity.

Mikami left Platinum Games to form his own studio, Tango. So i doubt he'll return to making RE.

And making HD versions of old games isn't really gonna fix the problem, if every PS2 game is gonna get simply a HD make over then the PS3 is prett...

5027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The thing is the talent that created their characters and franchises, like Shinji Mikami created Resident Evil and Hideki Kamiya created Devil May Cry. Capcom just takes their creations and just pass it along to whomever without caring about the original creators vision.

It just boggles my mind why they wouldn't make a contract with Platinum Games to make DMC 5. Its ridiculous. Like fans can see that would be a logical choice. But they make the most illogical choices late...

5027d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ya know, Dante has to grow up someday. He can't always be a clown. I'm not saying he should be like Ninja Theory's Dante. But he should be more like his DMC 1 personality who was witty and serious at the right time.

DMC 3 Dante was too much of a clown, but it fit with his character since he was a teenager. Having that Dante in every game while he's pushing 40 wouldn't make sense either.

DMC 1 Dante personality is what Capcom should be ai...

5027d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It still wouldn't look like Dante if he had longer white hair. He still would have the face and body of a Meth addict.

But then again Ninja Theory and Capcom said this is a complete reboot and has nothing to do with the numbered games. So we probably have to keep that in mind.

And if this is a game that's not connected to the past DMC games, then where's DMC 5 then?

5027d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

He doesn't look younger then DMC 3 Dante, not by a long shot. He looks older especially with the Heroin Chic look going on.

Dante and Vergil's hair were always white, even as babies. This pic is from the official DMC 1 concept artbook that shows Dante and Vergil's mother Eva and a redesign Sparda that they scrapped for the final game http://www.devilschapel.c...

That's freakin awesome. All this time he's been saying he's not interested in DMC anymore. That's cool to know that at least for the fans he would consider it. Great news! Bad thing is, he doesn't have the rights to DMC and Capcom hasn't offered him to direct any of the games.....yet. Damn you Capcom!

5028d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

He doesn't really have a choice. DMC is Capcom's property. Kamiya doesn't have alot of influence over them. He did want to make DMC 2, but like i said in another post, Capcom went behind his back. There's only so much he can do. And he didn't abandon them, Capcom abandon him.

Besides, if Kamiya were to make DMC 5 he would have to retcon some things from DMC 2, 3 and 4 since they aren't his vision of what DMC is. DMC 1 is a bit different then the other...

5028d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah especially when he says "Whatever". But i think he's more disappointed then angry. He said "He misses Dante" and stuff like that.

5028d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kamiya and Mikami didn't own the licenses to their creations. And also, its well known now that Capcom went behind Kamiya's back while he was finishing up the first DMC game. He had no idea that Capcom had picked a new team to make DMC 2, he didn't know until a localization member went up to him to gather info about Dante and such. So don't blame Kamiya or Mikami.

Besides, even if they gave DMC to Platinum Games, where Kamiya now works, he would have to change...

5028d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I prefer the english voice actors as well. I'm not saying the Japanese VA's are crappy, but they just don't fit here.

Anyway, this trailer looks freakin epic. Can't wait to play the demo when it releases.

5028d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Was that Dante's Level 3 at 1:53 in the 2nd video?

And whose that Wolverine chick? Wolvie's daughter or sumthing?

5028d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jonathan Rhys Meyers from the show Tudors and Mission Impossible 3

Oh and he's on Rehab at this moment. So he's a perfect fit for Meth addicted Dante.

5029d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly! I'm glad you brought that quote from Kamiya.

Now DMC is just sum wannabe grungy Twilight fest. Edward Cullen is not Dante and this game isn't DMC. DMC now stands for




5029d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

In the TGS blogs the trailer says that he's Dante.

I guess Dante is now a Meth addict. And to think i thought he just wasted his money on booze and pizza. Now he's smoking dope and looks like a crackhead.

Way to lose your fanbase Capcom. You stupid bastards!

5029d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It looks more like Jonathan Rhys Meyers from the show Tudors

Anyway, this is really surprising indeed what Capcom did with DMC. The guy looks nothing like Dante.

DMC has officially turned into Twilight.

5029d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, DMC 5 is pretty much on lock. I would only hope the other two are either a new Strider game, Dino Crisis or even Mega Man Legends 3.

I rather have any of those 3 then another Resident Evil. Its just too soon for another RE game. There's already one for the Nintendo 3DS. Unless Resident Evil 6 is actually scary this time and doesn't have that annoying over the shoulder perspective and stupid AI partner then, yeah i might be excited for RE again since the PS1 days...

5029d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks more like Grindhouse then anything remotely scary really.

5029d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

We have seen collaborations already with Team Ninja and Nintendo (Metroid Other M) and Capcom and Blue Castle (Dead Rising 2). Look at Dead Rising 2 especially. It looks practically the same as the first game. So i'm sure Capcom will have a tight grip on the gameplay.

I don't doubt Hideaki Itsuno (Director of DMC 3 and DMC 4) will handle the gameplay perspective. Since he's shown to be a competent director after Kamiya left the DMC series after DMC 1.

5030d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment